Fortune — Features 2

Fortune storytelling runs the gamut from future-looking technology previews to traditional legal odysseys to in-depth financial analysis. In approaching the design, I tried to find a visual balance between modern and classic that's unique to Fortune as a brand.

  • Role: Design and art direction
  • Brand: Fortune
  • Publisher: Time Inc.
  • Year: 2011 to 2017

Project 01b
Project 01b
Project 01c
Project 01a
Project 01a
Project 01a
Project 01a
Project 01c
SPD Medal Finalist, Photo-Illustration (Pub 51)
Project 01c
Project 01c
Project 01a
Project 01c
SPD Medal Finalist, Design: Feature -- Profile, Non-Celebrity (Pub 49)
Project 01c
Project 01a
Project 01b
Project 01a
Project 01c
Project 01c
Project 01c
Project 01c
Project 01c